Monday, November 17, 2008

surfing Kuta Beach, Bali

DSC_5930.JPG, originally uploaded by Hirudinean.

Andrea surfing

DSC_5972.JPG, originally uploaded by Hirudinean.

This is the only surfing picture where I don't look like I'm about to fall off the board. I did catch a few waves, but Chris was WAY better. (Andrea)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Off to the Similans

We're liking Patong Beach in Phuket better than we did Pattaya so far, but we've still decided not to spend all that much time here. On Sunday we got back in the water, and enjoyed the diving so we have booked 3 days / 2 nights on live-aboard in the Similan Islands. So we'll be diving Tues-Thurs, which does change my plan to spend Wednesday (Tuesday night back home) watching the election coverage. This should be more fun.

Elephant ride

PB030105.JPG, originally uploaded by Hirudinean.